Bonjour Lien, Comment allez vous ? Nous sommes ravis que le circuit se passe bien. Le ..
Thao, we have arrived in the US safely in Chicago. Next flights to Kansas. Thank you again for a ..
Vietnamese believe that the soul of a dead person, even if dead for many generations, still rests along with their descendants on earth. The dead and living persons still have spiritual communion; in ..Plus en détail
In Vietnamese society, people gather together to form villages in rural areas, and guilds in urban areas. Villages and guilds have been forming since the dawn of the nation. These organizations ..Plus en détail
Customs of Chewing Betel and Areca Nuts and smoking thuoc lao
A quid of betel, also called trau, is composed of four elements: an areca leaf (sweet taste), betel bark (hot taste), a chay root (bitter taste), and hydrated lime (pungent taste). The custom of ..Plus en détail
Depending on habits of specific ethnic groups, marriage includes various steps and related procedures, but generally there are two main ceremonies:Plus en détail
Formerly funeral ceremonies went as following: the body was washed and dressed; then a le ngam ham, or chopstick, was laid between the teeth and a pinch of rice and three coins were dropped in the ..Plus en détail